Thursday, 8 March 2012

Introducing the Power Rangers

So today has been a very productive day for everyone, you tend to get shit done when you have a three hour work session (you should all assume we were working all the time, 'cause we totally were). Anyway! Since I noticed that we haven't had a post talking about exactly what we'll be doing, I figured I could fill in some blanks.

First of all, there's me. I'm Albin, known on the international web as Carcity. I do programming, which, if you have no idea how developing things on the computer work, is writing codes. Basically, while Wasp and Michaedee get to do fun stuff like drawing stuff and making music, I write. I write complicated codes that do little to nothing, but are needed for everything to work.

The second person to join this project, before we became our official group, is Wasp, also known by humans as Regina. She is the artist of us. She gets to flood PhotoShop (or whatever program she's using) (it's Paint Tool SAI) with images and drawings of basically anything she likes, which is mostly abs, but anyway. She's also the one handling the 3D modeling, meaning she gets to draw in THREE DIMENSIONS! Also, she has to texturize all of her models, a work I'm glad not having to do.

Then we have our Sound Manager, Michaedee, also known as Angelika. She's in charge of creating all the sound and music in the game, which may not sound like much (har har, I see what you did there), but is actually harder than it seems. She's also unofficially become the organizer of the team, the one who more or less tells us what to do when we don't know ourselves.

Last, but not least is OneHand, or as we call him, Rasmus. He is, like me, doing the programming. He's mainly working on our enemies, and creating an AI for them more advanced than flying into random walls, which he's actually doing a pretty good job at. He's also doing the level designing with Wasp, which is the most important job there is, because without good level design, the game is just going to be a cluster of nonsense.

This is our small but strong development team, we don't have an official name yet, but me and Wasp have unofficially settled for "Angry Video Game Developers".

Also, Wasp loves drawing small boys, but don't tell her I said that. (I'm going to punch you for that one. Really hard. Right in the solar plexus. You just wait. Also, spellcheck your stuff. I've had to correct like 7 words or so by now.)

- Carcity


  1. ▲▼▲▼FABULOUS!▲▼▲▼

  2. Hi guys! Nice to know you all now! Keep us all updated about this game's progress

    1. Well, let us know you a little bit better, tell us about yourself, like what you like to do, what you're wearing, who you're thinking about, normal stuff like that.
